Schools, Colleges & Coaching institutes

All In One ERP With Mobile Apps

To help you get digital
Make your institute digital by bringing all the stake holders- students, parents, teachers and management on single platform. Don't miss to contact us to experience the best.


Provides admission portal to take record of all adimissions


With our integrated learning management system, you have the platform to manage all aspects of a school's various forms of teaching and learning


Manages Activities related to accedemics, student examination reports students accedemic history etc.

Financial Accounting

Tracks, Records and manages school fees payment, pta dues, other dues, expenditure, revnue, and more for all students

Attendance Management

Manages attendance for students at all levels as well as teachers .

Bulk Messaging

Integrate bulk sms,whats app, facbook messenger to disseminate information easily at one click.

Our unique product line will definitely help you operate with better productivity

Experience the School/College/Institute Management ERP like never before! It's not just about 40+ modules, it's about depth in the functionality, reporting and ease of use. Productivity, accountability and communication excellence are byproduct of adopting McVision School Management ERP.

* All in one Hardware Integration!

* Certified Software to keep your data secure

* Easy Setup with Logs and Backup Facility

* Multi Branch Enabled!

* Regular New Updates and Features!

All in One Solution

* We provide a very reliable school management solution for any school that want to go paperless in its administration and operations. We provide both online and offline Access.
* We delevelop the software base on the specifications and method of operation of your school so no need to worry about compactibility.